In Part 1, we started discussing the science that might lead us to an understanding of a world where miracles (or triple sinks) can occur. You know, all those crazy coincidences that are more than coincidences! One friend and blog commenter noted that the color yellow always shows up in her life at important moments, whether it be as flowers or rental cars. For me, it’s birds. They fly into my home and car windows A LOT. And the more I notice them, the more it happens. So, there is science that explains this miraculous world we live in!!
But you would never know it, right? Because you were taught everything in school as if we live in a materialist world. We are living in a material world, and I am a material girl. I know you had the lace glove, too. Don’t lie.
Materialism was the dominant scientific view of the world for the past 2000 years, which holds (1) that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and (2) that everything, including your thoughts and feelings, come from matters’ interactions. This means that feelings come from neurotransmitters in the brain. Love is a hit of oxytocin. Ahhhh. It’s not about love; I just want another hit of oxytocin.
In Materialism, everything is built from the ground up—small matter, makes big matter, makes you. Recall, scientists love this view because it means there is an objective world where consistent calculations can be made. It’s rules and regulations. There is no mystery. You enter the information into a mathematical equation, and you always get the same outcome. Materialism is the foundational theory upon which classic, Newtonian physics is built. And it’s been great. We’ve built bridges and baked cookies and sh*t using Newtonian physics.
At the beginning of the 20th century, physicists were so confident in this Newtonian, materialist world view that many of them declared that they were almost at the end of the road in understanding the nature of the universe. In fact, in the late 19th century, A.A. Michelson, a physicist who would later go on to win the Nobel Prize, stated that all that was left to do was “add … a few decimal places to results already obtained.” It was an exciting time, based on centuries of observation, measurement and hard work.
And then the sh*t hit the fan.
And by sh*t I mean the tiniest piece of matter then currently known: the electron. The electron screwed it up for everybody. And all of these scientists about had nervous breakdowns over it.
Ironically, it was two conservative Germans, Max Planck and Albert Einstein, who kicked off the party. In 1900, Planck did so by proposing quantum jumps, and Einstein followed with his special theory of relativity in 1905. Both proposed their theories in an effort to harmonize Newtonian physics with unexplainable phenomena. In fact, Planck proposed his theory hoping that other scientists would make it work with the Newtonian model.
Alas, what they achieved was the opposite of what they hoped, and Einstein would spend the rest of his life trying to close the Pandora’s box he opened. Einstein and Planck unintentionally launched a whole-scale kick-in-the-door of Newtonian physics, because their theories gave other scientists permission to think (and math) outside of the Newtonian model. And once this permission was given, once the fear of career suicide for challenging the dominant paradigm was lifted, it was revolution. At the end of it all, Newtonian rules and regulations were no longer the highest law of science. Strangely enough, this may sound familiar to some of you who are Christians: the end of rules and regulations, the emergence of a higher law.
By 1927, after many additional discoveries and theories proposed by Niels Bohr, Louis de Broglie, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger and others, the basic nature of the electron was understood. And Einstein was NOT happy.
So what was this revolutionary discovery that became known as the Copenhagen Interpretation?
Drumroll…….That the electron, the then tiniest particle of matter known, isn’t there. It exists, but it’s not there in any objective sense. There is no objective reality when you get that small—i.e. at the quantum level. The electron exists but only as probabilities.
If we are going to be accurate about it, an electron is really just a little mirror with a reflection of you in it. Hello there.
WHA? What do I mean by this?
To put it as simply as possible: the electron doesn’t exist independently of an observer. Unless there is an observer present, there is no electron—there is only the probability of an electron.
This statement sounds odd when we try to consider it in our material world. But, recall, the scientists are making these discoveries via mathematical equations. So what they are basically finding is that unless they put the mathematical variable for an observer in the mathematical equation regarding the electron, they can only find probabilities of where the electron is (20% chance it’s here, 20% chance it’s here, 60% chance it’s here), not the actual location of the electron in the atom. But when the mathematical variable for the observer is used in the equation, the equation will show the exact location of the electron in the atom.
What this means is that YOU affect the electron. And more than that, YOU create the electron out of probability. Until there is YOU, the electron merely exists outside of space-time as different probabilities. And then, when YOU look, it manifests inside space-time instantaneously (via quantum jump).
Let that sink in a minute.
Crazy talk!!! This doesn’t seem like it could be true!
But it is. It is totally supported by quantum mechanics.
Do you understand how radical this is? That there is no matter unless there is an observer!? That the nature of reality is relationship, something that philosophy and religion have said for millenia!?
Materialism is dead. It was Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick. (He is how all those physicists looked in the 1920’s.) You only learned materialism in school, so we can keep building bridges. But imagine what more we could all do if we really understood and believed in the highest law of science: consciousness creates matter!
Now do you believe me when I say that you have forgotten who you are?!!!!
YOU create matter.
YOU, and your thoughts, beliefs and dreams, are more powerful than you ever imagined. All the platitudes about the power to change the world by changing ourselves, the power of positive thinking….the science is starting to prove it.
YOU ARE the mythical hero.
So my question to you now is……. what are you gonna do about it?
What are WE gonna do about it?
Until next time, DREAM big and LOVE big!! Create GOOD matter!!
Until next time, joy and laughter to you. And triple sinks.