The Christian Church is slowly dying in America due to a lack of imagination.[1] Early Gnostic Christians, such as Valentinus, would have argued that the Orthodox Church was dead on arrival with it’s seeming obsession with the tomb of Jesus Christ and its exchange of personal knowledge for hierarchy.[2] However, as it was a product…
Science Accidentally Discovers a Theory of God, Part 5: Livin’ on a Prayer
If you are still reading this, I hope that Hurricanes Harvey and Irma did not wash away all of your possessions. If they did, contact me, and we can kumbaya about coming to terms with losing all of your things. You can read about what happened to me here. It’s not as difficult as you…
Science Accidentally Discovers a Theory of God, Part 2: The Material World Crumbles
In Part 1, we started discussing the science that might lead us to an understanding of a world where miracles (or triple sinks) can occur. You know, all those crazy coincidences that are more than coincidences! One friend and blog commenter noted that the color yellow always shows up in her life at important moments, whether…
Science Accidentally Discovers a Theory of God, Part 1: Introduction
In my last post here, I talked about the crazy coincidences and miracles in our lives when we feel like something energetic happened, but we can’t explain it. I call these things our coincidences or our “triple sinks.” And I had a big helping of them this spring. Believing that I had experienced miracles, and…