Science Accidentally Discovers a Theory of God, Part 5: Livin’ on a Prayer

If you are still reading this, I hope that Hurricanes Harvey and Irma did not wash away all of your possessions. If they did, contact me, and we can kumbaya about coming to terms with losing all of your things. You can read about what happened to me here. It’s not as difficult as you might think. You just start bragging to everyone about how you are a minimalist now and are planning to buy a tiny house. You’ll need to get some big, thick, horn-rimmed glasses, so you look minimalist chic. Then, you can feel morally superior to everyone, and they never need to know that you curl up on your hardwood floors in the fetal position every night and cry. And, hey, the good news is that you don’t have to look at all those super fat photos of yourself from college ever again!

So in order to understand this post, you really need to have read all of the previous posts in this series, here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

Last time, we continued to hash out who YOU are, according to science.

Simply stated:   YOU are the observer.

Recall, back in the early 20th century, when the scientists were trying to find the location of electrons in the atom, and doing all of their maths to discover this, they found that they could not locate the electron with the math unless there was an observer included in the calculations.  So in order for electrons (and, therefore all matter, which is made of electrons) to exist in our world, an observer must be present. If there is no observer, no YOU, there is no matter. In quantum physics, there is no objective world made of matter– it all exists because of the observer, the subjective.

But enough about you for now. YOU, YOU, YOU. I’m tired of you.  I’m tired of me, too.

I want to talk about the BIG STUFF. And to do that we are going to need to go into more detail about these electrons and how and where they exist.

So as I explained in previous posts, Max Planck and Albert Einstein were responsible for the two initial discoveries that led to the destruction of an objective reality, the two discoveries that hinted that this world is a magic unicorn place. Planck: 1900: Quantum Jumps. Einstein:1905: Special Theory of Relativity. Read about it here.

Quantum jumps, in simple terms, describe that electrons in specific circumstances don’t travel from point A to point B inside of an atom like you walk from your refrigerator to your couch with snacks in preparation to watch your dragon-sex show, Game of Thrones. Rather, the electron vanishes from point A and instantaneously reappears at Point B. Basically, it teleports. Like Spock in Star Trek or Mike TeaVee in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. But much faster. It does NOT travel through space. That would take time. This takes no time. It’s instantaneous.

See. When I say “magic unicorn world,” I’m not f*cking around.

Isn’t he pretty? >>>

Now, the special theory of relativity said a bunch of things, but what we are concerned with here is that it created a speed limit for the travel of anything inside of space-time, inside our reality. According to special relativity, nothing travels faster than the speed of light.

O.K. So electrons teleport instantaneously (faster than the speed of light). Nothing travels faster than the speed of light in our world, that is inside space-time. Got it?

So, let’s look at our friend the electron again, according to the maths.

When there is no variable for the observer in the equation, the math shows electrons exist as wave clouds of probabilities; these clouds show different probabilities of where an electron might be found in an atom when an observer is added and takes a measurement.

So the probabilities are like this—10% chance the electron could be here when the observer takes a measurement, 20% chance the electron could be here when the observer take a measurement, 35% chance the electron could be here, etc., up to 100%.

In these wave clouds of probabilities, electrons travel faster than the speed of light. In fact, travel appears to be instantaneous, just like the electron quantum jumps. This means that these wave clouds of probability exist in a realm that is not inside space-time, where we are, because the speed limit inside space-time is the speed of light.

So think of where the electrons are as the “upside-down” from the TV show “Stranger Things.” In “Stranger Things,” the “upside down” is a dimension that looks exactly like the real world but it’s not the real world. Similarly, the math equations show this realm where the wave clouds are is different than space-time, our world, because the electrons are traveling faster than the speed of light in there.

Physicists call this realm that resides outside of space-time “NON-LOCAL.”

So, these electron waves are flying around in the non-local realm, faster than the speed of light. But when the observer, who resides in the LOCAL world, inside space-time, goes to observe the electron, the electron will appear as a particle instantaneously in the LOCAL world (the wave collapses) in one of the locations in the atom predicted by the probabilities in the NON-LOCAL realm.

The electron might be where there was a 20% probability it could be found in the atom, but it will not be in a location where there was a 0% chance it could be found. So, the observer draws the electron into the local world but the electron can still only be located in one of the places predicted by the probabilities in the non-local realm. The observer chooses from probabilities given in the non-local realm to draw/create things in the local world.

So we have:

(1) a NON-LOCAL realm full of probabilities but no actual matter, where we must use quantum mechanics to make calculations;

(2) a LOCAL world that has matter, space and time, where we reside and can use classical, deterministic mechanics to make calculations;


(3) an observer who seems to mediate between these two realms in some way.

At first glance, this may sound like scientific mumbo jumbo that makes no difference to your day-to-day life. But you should be REALLY excited about this, because it’s CRAZY. You better check yourself with your bored attitude! I mean, Moses did not look into the burning bush muttering complaints about boring scientific mumbo-jumbo. Instead, he got a super radical sunburn and freed a nation from slavery. So get to work! 

“How are you like Moses?” you ask. Well, looking into the NON-LOCAL realm is actually like looking into the mind of the universe. And I am neither kidding nor exaggerating. That is because those probabilities, those wave clouds, are actually prayers that can be answered. They are the versions of reality (previews) from which you get to choose your reality in the material world.

Let that sink in.

Prayers that can be answered.

So this explains why prayer sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. It has to be in the cloud of probabilities for it to be answered.  I can’t pray that I am going to have a BMW in my parking spot tonight when I go outside and expect it to be there; that’s not in the cloud. There is no instant BMW in my burning bush, damnit!! But there are other prayers that are in the cloud, that can and will come to pass.

For those of you who are concerned about a God who’s mind we can know, don’t panic. We actually can’t always know the wave cloud probabilities due to cosmic censorship caused by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity and the nature of gravity. So the big G retains her mystery and unknowability. And you still get a super radical sunburn.

So say your prayers tonight!!

All of your dreams may be in the clouds, and they can be yours if you ask.

Triple sinks hidden in clouds!! That’s why you read this blog.

Until next time, joy and laughter to you. And triple sinks. Pull those b*tches OUT OF THE CLOUDS.


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