Science Accidentally Discovers a Theory of God, Part 7: Singing Things Into Existence

It’s been a long time since we delved into the science of YOU. In the interim, I have lived several lifetimes and written about mourning the death of my people, forgiving myself, learning how to tell the truth, and transforming relationships, not to mention handling Nazis. For those who are less scientifically inclined, these posts and others like them can be found under the “Spirit” tab of the website.

For the rest of us, we gotta keep mining this scientific rabbit hole. Only 3 more articles to go in this series after this Read and Resistone. Push through. Because I want you to understand the breadth, and the length, and the depth, and the height of the power and love at our disposal. This work is the REAL RESISTANCE. But we need to understand the science to understand HOW to do the work. #Resist

I have edited all of this series’ posts to make them easier to understand (*in theory*), so try again if it didn’t work the first time.  (*and please let me know if it’s still too confusing*) Recapping what we’ve learned:

  1. Materialism, the idea that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that everything, including your thoughts, are results of matters’ interactions, was killed by quantum physicists in the early 20th century. Read it here.
  2. There is no objective reality because matter does not exist unless there is an observer. The observer comes before the matter and creates the matter. Here.
  3. You, the observer, cannot be made of matter because you create matter. The most likely candidate for what you’re made of is consciousness. Here.
  4. There is no solid scientific evidence that the brain creates consciousness. Rather, science seems to suggest that consciousness works on and through the brain, perhaps through microtubules, by playing a song of quantum vibrations. Here.
  5. As the observer, the way you create matter is by choosing from probabilities that exist in a non-local realm connected to, but outside of, space-time, our world. These many probabilities (i.e. possibilities) in the non-local realm are like prayers that can be answered. Non-locality is beyond dispute in quantum physics. Here.
  6. Because of the law of conservation of energy, the local world inside space-time and the non-local realm have to be made of the same substance, and there is no matter in the non-local realm. The father of quantum mechanics proposed consciousness as the one substance of which both worlds are made. Here.

Phew!! You with me?

So, a viable scientific theory of reality is that consciousness creates matter. And that consciousness creates matter by choosing from probabilities (i.e. possible choices) given in the non-local realm.

What we don’t know yet scientifically is how consciousness does this. How do we choose? How do we pray that new BMW into existence? That’s the question we want answered, right? It’s the reason that the self-help industry is an over-11-billion-dollar industry and millions of people pay top dollar for conferences, courses and books on manifesting their dreams and BMWs.

ManifestationWell, I have some good news and bad news. The good news is that the science we have uncovered so far does seem to indicate that there is a power of manifestation (albeit limited by what choices are given by the non-local realm).

The bad news is it’s not all about you. In fact, your power of manifestation will actually increase if you stop being so damn self-obsessed trying to manifest BMWs. I am looking in the mirror as I say this. They just have the cutest little faces. Alright. Let’s get back to how we pray things into existence.

One potential answer to this question is found in String Theory.

String Theory arose in the 1970’s because of one of quantum physics’ most glaring lapses, its black hole, if you will. (terrible pun intended) This failing is that all of physics can be described by quantum laws except for gravity. (Recall, quantum is just a fancy word for “super small.” It’s what we’ve discussed up to now in this blog.)  The current best theory of gravity, Einstein’s general relativity, is an inherently classical theory (deterministic and predictable). It only describes how gravity works on larger objects, not objects at the quantum level, the level that existed at the time of the Big Bang (the super small level where probabilities come into play).

Physicists have, therefore, been trying to find a quantum theory of gravity. A very promising approach to a quantum theory of gravity is string theory. String theory, however, is neither fully understood nor complete, as many equations are just estimates.

The premise of string theory is that inside smaller particles such as neutrons and electrons are even smaller particles known as quarks. And quarks are made of dancing filaments of energy known as a strings, which are the indivisible, smallest substance that make up everything in the material world. Strings vibrate and oscillate at various frequencies, just like strings on musical instruments.

While we used to believe that it was the specific combination of building blocks of matter that created different types of matter, string theory posits that it’s the vibrational frequency of the strings that creates different matter. It’s the Perek Shirahvibrational frequency of the string that determines whether a particle is an electron or neutron. So strings that make a pig vibrate differently than strings that make a peacock; the strings are the same, just the vibration is different. Physical matter, therefore, is an expression of energetic vibrations, an expression of music. And these vibrating strings make up a single unified field. (Beautiful vibrating animals by Caroline Pierce >>>)

What I love about string theory is that it conjures up a vision of consciousness playing music to create all of reality, and this idea intersects with many mystical religious texts, where the voice, or the word, or the song, the sound vibration is the creator of the universe.

Perek Shirah, for example, is beautiful ancient Jewish text used in Kabbalah and other mystic circles, dating from before the tenth century. It describes different songs sung by each element of creation, including the sun, the moon, the desert, the seas, the trees, the fruits, the lions, the birds and others. Each element of creation sings a different song; each element IS a different song.Jewish Text

We find this idea outside Jewish literature as well. The Testament of Adam, a Christian Gnostic text from the 2nd century, contains similar songs by each element of creation, as do writings from the Brethren of Purity (Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ), a secret group of Muslim philosophers from the 8th century. More on this here.

When we envision a string theory world, where all is vibration, it makes it much easier to understand how an observer could be involved in the creation of the electron. The observer could bring a vibration of energy, based on his or her thoughts, and affect the energy field vibrations of the atom. And this disturbance of energy affects the strings of the atom and results in one of the probabilities (i.e. choices given by the non-local realm), one electron, manifesting inside space-time.

I further personally believe that quantum gravity will eventually be shown to be the law of attraction, that like attracts like.  The electron that manifests inside space-time from non-locality will be the one most similar in vibration to the vibrations of the observer.

Now, the science isn’t there yet. So don’t quote me on that. Many of the equations in string theory are currently estimates. But this idea doesn’t conflict with the maths so far. So, I am giving myself some leeway here based on a quote by Dr. Michio Kaku, a co-founder of string field theory and professor at City College of New York, when he says, “If something doesn’t violate the laws of mathematics or physics, it is possible. We just don’t have the … understanding…yet.”

Why thank you, Dr. Kaku. I will make a wild guess about the future. I will dream.

Because dreams may actually be what creates all the matter in this world, down to the lady bugs.

Dreams that sing about what you can be.

What we can all be.





Until next time, joy and laughter to you. And triple sinks.



One Comment

  • Raymond Burton

    October 20, 2024 at 1:55 pm

    What you wrote here about vibration and song is outstanding. I very much enjoyed it and another article on love not being the universes main language (ish) lol

    Just wanted you to know someone is reading and feeling your vibe.

    I’m digging into tunings and frequency myself right now 👍


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